Ella's Updated Specs:
20 pounds and 13 ounces--50th percentile (Here I come front-facing carseat).
29 inches tall--50th percentile (Notice the language shift from long to tall. That's what a lot of standing and walking does to your perception of baby height).
75th percentile in head size--to which I responded very sarcastically that I was worried about Ella's smarts since the percentile of her head size has gone from 90 to 75 in the past two months. To which our outstanding (no sarcasm intended) pediatrician, who happens to have no sarcasm radar and is comedically challenged, made sure I understood that head size does not in fact correlate to brain size and smarts. And, not to worry, her son has a small head but is 3 to 4 grade levels ahead in math. And again, not to worry, the chief of pediatrics where she studied also had a small head and he was totally brilliant. Thanks for the clarification. I was joking! In case you were wondering she has a small head too. That offers a curious perspective on this discussion, right?.
She assured that it is much more about genetics than head size. Hopefully she'll be smart anyway.

Here's our little 50th percentile grape!