Thursday, July 30, 2009

Flower Girl Available Now!

Ella, Moses and Kelly just returned from a 2-week stint in the Midwest. Ella and Mo gardened, fed ducks, caught catfish, learned to swim, hit the big city of Chicago for a few days, luau-ed at the family reunion, and had SO MUCH FUN. Unfortunately, I took exactly ZERO pictures, so you'll have to take our words for it. Thanks, Harrises and Auntie Dana, for such a great trip!

After my cousin's wedding in Indy (congratulations, Liz and Ben), where Ella was COMPLETELY starstruck, she asked me to post this ad:

Fantastic flower girl available now! Adorable, smiley, talented at twirling in fancy dresses. Very good at following directions. Guaranteed even sprinkling of flower petals (note: I can vouch for that- we've been practicing).

Monday, July 06, 2009

Ella's Joy Face

How lucky are we to get to see this face every day?

Sunday, July 05, 2009

All Aboard!

Haul Dirt (and meat)

Z: What does a truck haul?
M: Meat

Commentary--Yes, sure, trucks also haul meat, but the trucks I trip over in bedrooms and family rooms and yard around my house are yellow, have buckets and haulers and such and don't haul meat. Not sure we've seen the meat truck recently. hmmm?

4th of July

It has been just shy of a month since our last post and, well, uh, sorry. It was a big 3-day weekend around here and we have pictures of some of it. We had a fancy dinner, slept a lot (or tried to), had a neighborhood parade, a nice visit from Bubby, E stayed up for Fireworks, and we had a block party-for which we made fancy flower cupcakes! Here is some photographic evidence. Soon we'll report on Ella's art, Mo's sentences, and the rest of our summer fun.