Ella, Moses and Kelly just returned from a 2-week stint in the Midwest. Ella and Mo gardened, fed ducks, caught catfish, learned to swim, hit the big city of Chicago for a few days, luau-ed at the family reunion, and had SO MUCH FUN. Unfortunately, I took exactly ZERO pictures, so you'll have to take our words for it. Thanks, Harrises and Auntie Dana, for such a great trip!
After my cousin's wedding in Indy (congratulations, Liz and Ben), where Ella was COMPLETELY starstruck, she asked me to post this ad:
Fantastic flower girl available now! Adorable, smiley, talented at twirling in fancy dresses. Very good at following directions. Guaranteed even sprinkling of flower petals (note: I can vouch for that- we've been practicing).
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