Ella was born on the coldest day of the year in Baltimore, and spent the next winter freezing in Cambridge... but she hasn't seen much snow since we moved to balmy NC. We all got a snow fix in Ohio over Thanksgiving!

Thanks, Emma, Anna, and Kaitlyn for helping Ella build the snowman and snowbaby!
I love that last picture! Can I have a copy? I miss my sweet little niece and can't wait to see you all!
I was about to ask the same thing about that last picture. I'd love one! - Anna
Kelly, your dad alerted me to the kids' web site. Isn't this a very cool way to keep family and friends involved in our lives? The kids look great, obviously taking after you and your mom. Will be checking up frequently. By the way, time to get pixs with the grents posted.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,
Dick Schaefer
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