Monday, November 24, 2008

What We've Been Up To

Before Thanksgiving and a big December we wanted post a quick update to let everyone know how we're doing and what we're up to. As you can see, we're not really easing into our big December. Our almost-1-year-old and almost-4-year-old are ready to party. Here's some highlights of our November so far.
We've been dancing

We dress up for dinner

We made pine cone turkeys with our neighbors

We've been working a lot

We've been playing at the playground every time it isn't too cold

And we've been trying to get taller. Don't worry Mo! You'll be one so soon.

Oh, and although he already knew sign language for "more" tonight Moses stared using the word "more". It'll make meal time a little less dramatic.

When next we meet in the blogosphere expect turkey news, a trip to Chicago, and BIRTHDAYS!!!!

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