Thursday, July 05, 2007

Ms. Fix-It

On Sunday morning, Ella dropped the garage door opener, and I put the pieces back together, and it didn’t work, so I told her that we must have broken it. I didn’t know how to open the garage door without the opener, so just said we’d wait for Daddy to come back from Atlanta on Tuesday.
Then, yesterday, Ella wanted to ride her bike to the park, and I said we couldn’t, because the garage door wouldn’t open:
"Why not?"

"Remember, we dropped it and broke it, and now it doesn’t work."
"Mommy, it isn’t broken, you just need to put the circles back in."
"What circles?"

"The little circles that came out of the garage door opener."
"Where are they?"

"I put them with my penguin and his skateboard in the corner."
Sure enough, there next to the penguin were the 2 batteries. The garage door opener works just fine.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that's hilarious! Way to go Ella!!!! :)