Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Political Blog?

As I sit here watching tonight's "State of the Union" address I remember fondly my original labeling of this blog as non-political. This is a place to share family stories about Ella and Dewey. To share Ella developments, Dewey adventures, and all out fun. These pages were not intended to editorialize on the goings on of everyday life or show the true political colors of its authors. Don't worry loyal readers, I intend for it to remain that way.
Then, while I watch I'm looking over at Ella watching tonight's speech and her little face is doing all the editorializing necessary. So this blog remains an Ella update. Tonight, she just happens to be making a political commentary rather than drooling, farting, or saying new words. Read that face and try to tell me they shouldn't consider polling toddlers for Presidential approval ratings.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Lucky 13

Happy 13 months, Shorty!
Today, you used a marker for the first time. Then you created your first piece of art (thanks for your help, Grammie). The first of many for sure. Feeling your paternal line of Baynard artists you are indeed quite gifted. Looking out for Mom today, look carefully you'll see a heart in the middle of that picture. We'll keep working on it. Maybe art will be your "thing". Your Bubby would certainly be thrilled if that were the case. But she'd also be thrilled if you were doctor, teacher, or politician (Ella Harris Perin is a wonderful political campaign name. We did that on purpose!). Maybe we'll work on perspective for month 14.

note: This masterpiece was created with Ella's left hand.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Long Overdue Updates

Your faithful blogger unexpectedly got admitted into a January class that met everyday for the past two weeks from 9 to 5:30. As a former 8:30 to 5:30 regular member of the work force I am embarassed to admit that this kind of class schedule completely overwhelmed me and wiped me out. So I have a long list of pictures and updates to share before we move forward on a more regular schedule. Enjoy some highlights leftover from the holidays and our trip to Vermont!

Ella practiced her singing with Uncle Brendan.

Dewey got to snuggle with his good buddy Bella!

Thinking she looks a little tired, Poppy decides to share his morning cup with her and Ella has her first sip of coffee in Vermont! She hasn't slept since.

Kelly and Gumby (I mean Ella) get ready to hit the snowy hiking trails in the great north woods of Vermont. Ella is loving her new Baby BackPack. Thank you Grammie and Poppy!!!

Thanks again "Uncle" Jonah and "Aunt" Sarah for letting us invade your snowy fortress for almost a week. We had a wonderful time! Jonah and Ella had some good bonding time. Jonah looks a little surpised by something in this picture. Ella is making her farting face, so maybe that's the secret.

Setting Limits...

We're learning that there comes a time in a parental career that you need to begin to set limits. How many pieces of food get thrown out of the high chair before lunch is over? How long do we read, sing, and snuggle before it is really time to get in the crib to sleep? How long can we stay in a cool bath even though it is still so much fun? How many times a day is too many times a day to climb up and down the stairs? And more recently, should Ella attend Sir Elton John's civil union by herself or with a chaperone?

Ella, seen here sporting Elton John-esque shades and babbling along to "Tiny Dancer", is a huge fan of the British rocker and was thrilled to get a coveted invitation to the party. But is a 1-year old just too young to hop across the pond and party with the stars?

In the end we thought so. Kelly went with her. See how much fun they had!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

An Odd Instinct

Is it possible that sucking/slurping spaghetti through your lips when faced with a dangly piece hanging loosely down your chin is something we do by instinct? While this less than scientific assertion may seem ludicrous it is the only conclusion I can make from watching Ella suck noodle after noodle down as if we had just had a lesson on how to do it. Only there was no lesson. It was instinct. Amazing. What would Darwin say?

Living in Holiday Duality

The Holidays have been and gone but we had a lot to celebrate this year. A lucky baby who will be raised celebrating Christmas and Hanukka every year had extra to celebrate. Ella celebrated her second Christmas, although we believe that at 7 days old last year she wasn't really into the Christmas spirit. She had a wonderful Christmas all day long. This was her first Chanukah and as far as we can tell she loved it too. We had a wonderful visit from Grammie, Poppy, and Uncle B. Ella says thanks for all the fun (and especially the really comfy, cushy, soft, front-facing, fatty carseat and the sushi board book).
Here is some evidence of Ella living comfortably in her duality:

They're ready! Ella and Dewey are ready to dive in to this giant pile of presents. Or at the very least, Dewey is ready to dive into the Crate and Barrel box and Ella is ready to play with some wrapping paper. Oh, the joys of baby and dog Christmases.

Ella's first Chanuka candles. We think she has a little crush on Mr. Shamas.