Thursday, August 03, 2006

Macaroni and Cheese

It is really hot here this week. I mean hot. I guess it's hot everywhere so nobody wants to hear it but I'll tell you anyway. It is hot!
To beat the heat we bought some ice cream and cones at the store on Sunday. Ella was with us and she helped us pick it out. Then Ella didn't really eat much dinner on Sunday and so she didn't get to have ice cream afterward. That didn't make her particularly happy but we'll call it a teachable moment--and don't forget her mom and dad are teachers.
On Monday she devoured her dinner as if she had learned that lesson to perfection. She was ready! Right? Here's a transcript of the post dinner conversation:
Parents: ate all of your dinner tonight. Good job, big girl.
Ella: Yeah.
P: You at it all up. You know what that means right?
E: (feet kicking. getting excited) Yeah!!
P: You get to have some...
E: (eyes bugging out. getting really excited) YEAH!!!
P: You get to have some...
E: (eyes bugging out. huge smile. legs kicking. arms waving in the air. She yells with glee) MACARONI AND CHEESE!!!

Ok. I guess you could have some mac and cheese. But we'd really like some ice cream. Oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what is happening with ellabird now? please, please, new posts!
