Happy Birthday to Dew!
5 years ago this very night Andouille Harris Perin came to live with us (technically he spent that night in the hospital but that's another story). The week before he lived in a shelter in rural Virginia, his name was Diamond, and he was just plain sad. The next day the vet told us he must be "about" 1 year old. By our calculations May 14th became Dewey's birthday and away we went. Happy 6th Birthday Mr. Dewey! Happy 42, old man. We love you a lot. Sorry you could only spend about 15 total minutes outside on your birthday weekend because it has been raining in New England since April (or at least it feels that way). We owe you a long sunny walk!Luckily, Miss Ella gave him some special birthday attention today.
Yup. That's right. She hand fed him his lunch piece by piece today.
Disgusting for sure! But very, very, very loving! And it won't happen again until next May...
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