Monday, December 18, 2006

A Guest Blog from "Aunt" Anna--Part Two

(Anna spent all of Kelly's labor and Ella's delivery with us two years ago. She was one of the first people ever to meet our girl and she'll always be one of Ella's best friends. Thank you Anna. Thanks for another year of thoughts about our girl)

It's hard for me to refrain from feeling sentimental on December 18 (and if you need proof of that, feel free to revisit Ella's 1st birthday). Being present for Ella's birth remains one of the most amazing moments of my life.

As I write today, though, I am more struck by the incredible person that Ella has become. She's brilliant, and sweet, and wonderful beyond words. Her parents say this often, and I can assure you that they do not exaggerate. She's creative and talkative, and visiting her world is delightful. This weekend, I loved watching her play with her new stuffed-animal dog, Sierra, who she named herself and took on several walks around the living room (using a plastic bag to clean up the pretend dog's mess, no less!). I loved hearing Ella sing Christmas carols, loudly joining in with her mom whenever she knew the words. I loved watching her take care of her babydoll, oddly named "Baby Jesus" (and I can assure you that she bestowed that name as well). I loved watching her move around the house, so excited to be doing whatever she was doing that she combined skipping and running to get there faster. It is as if her feet are constantly too happy to merely walk. Ella is so clearly adored, and it shows in her joy, her confidence, and her willingness to love others. Her birthday, no doubt, is as much a celebration of Kelly and Zach's parenting as it is her own life. Watching them with her, from before she was even born through the past two years, continues to be inspiring. I am so happy that they have Ella, and so grateful that she has them.

As I was making Ella's cupcakes yesterday, I was thinking about how it should be a tradition, on birthdays, for everyone to have candles so that they can make silent wishes on behalf of the guest of honor. I did not have a candle in front of me yesterday, but I have a million wishes for this precious little girl. I could only begin to sum them up by saying, Ella, I wish for you a life that is full of joy, safety, adventure, laughter, good naps, fish cakes, locopops, Dewey, and all of the good things you have yet to discover. And I wish that you one day have in your life a little girl to love, just like I love you.
Happy 2nd Birthday, sweet Ella Bella Boo! I can't wait to see where this year takes you.

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