Spring has sprung in North Carolina! HOORAY! We've been running around nonstop, enjoying the 80-degree sunshine and trying to avoid the giant clumps of pollen falling from the sky.
Ella and Moses both found their Easter baskets in less than 5 minutes. The bunny has to step it up next year and make it a little harder.

We celebrated Passover with Joshua, Sharon, Caleb, Ezra and Judah. Moses and Ella both gobbled up the gefilte fish with great gusto, while Kelly and Zach tried not to make yucky faces. Moses also refused to remove his hoodie for the entire Seder.

Our scarecrow's hair is growing!

Ella and Zach planted a bunch of bulbs, then replanted them when it turned out that they had planted them upside down.

We watched the Northwestern women's lacrosse team beat the Blue Devils. GO CATS! Zach even wore a purple polo shirt to the game (so no one would mistake him for a Duke fan).