Many of you know that I am not a huge fan of the 4th of July holiday. I have my reasons. Neither does Dewey! He has his reasons too. But I will admit that I enjoyed my 4th of July Holiday this year and I enjoyed to whole Holiday weekend.
Why? Because everything is more fun with Ella and everyday 95 degrees and above is more fun with water
Here's a tour of some of our wet and wild fun!
Even Dewey got into the action for family kiddie pool time
Our new neighborhood had a 4th of July Parade. We got Ella's stroller tricked out in red, white, and blue and joined the neighbors for a raucus march around town. At the end of the parade we were plenty hot. To our pleasant surprise, the next neighborhood tradition is that the firetruck opens the hose on the crowd. Here's Ella and Poppy after playing in the spray!
Are you catching on to our theme here? Here's Ella and Poppy playing in the sprinkler at our new favorite spot in town, Duke Gardens.

Here's Ella strutting her freedom loving stuff right before the parade. As you can see our weekend wasn't quite as much fun when we were dry!
Happy 4th of July, everyone! Thanks for a great weekend, Grammie and Poppy!