Tuesday, February 21, 2006
A New Olympic Sport
Special Note to Poppy and Uncle B: This bottom picture looks a little like someone wants to join you on the golf course. Don't bother getting her first clubs yet. She's got a spatula!
"I Don't Know!"
So, all of this talking and language recognition is amazing and wonderful and very impressive! Right? Unless she's been attacked by the "I don't know" monster. From time to time, no matter how easy the question, and often to question after question, the answer is a shrug of the shoulders, arms turned out with hands pointed up, and adumbfounded look. As if she's forgotten all she knows. Just like this:

She thinks it is so cute. I think it is cute and a little frustrating. Don't you just hate to see a brilliant women act dumb just to be cute? Let 'em know how smart you are and make them deal with it, Ella Bean!!!
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Well into her teen months
Today you crawled and it looked funny to me because your walking is so good now. You're talking constantly. Words, words, words! You love to read books way more than I do. You're still eating like a champ. You go to sleep like you've been waiting all day to get back to your crib (this is huge) and you finally actually nap twice a day for 90 minutes consistently (also huge). You constantly smile and laugh and oddly love to dive and roll around on the floor and on the furniture.
You've learned to pat Dewey gently rather than smack him or poke him in the eyes. You did laugh when he got skunked but so did we. You didn't love swim lessons today but you tolerated it and by the end you'll be a fish just like one of your favorite Nemo (thank you Poppy). You're hair is finally growing out and your eyes continue to be absolute piercing perfection.
We love you tons and bunches and bunches and tons. Happy 14 months Ella HP!
at 4 months old

For those of you that continue to think that tomato juice is the trick but worry about actually cleaning a dog with something bright red and kind of goopy we've found a better way. A bath of 3% peroxide, baking soda, and dish soap did the trick. Now we just have to get Dewey to stop chasing "rats" in the front yard and we'll be in the clear.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Walking Dewey

"OK. See ya'll later. Dewey and I are headed out for a walk."

"Sit, Dewey! Good boy. Now come on...come on. If only my arms were longer I could give you a little tug. Let's go!"

Ahh! An age old dog walking challenge presents itself to our novice walker. How will she get the dog to get his leg untangled from the leash? Just wait until the first time he walks around the wrong side of a tree or signpost.
Interestingly, she tempers her hatred for hats with a love for the free choice to put other things on her head. The other day she got involved with a colander and here's what we came up with.

Whenever we play bank robber, i've tried to explain to Ella that it would be much more comfortable and effective to wear panty hose as her disguise. She just doens't want to listen and insists on wearing her favorite colander every time.