Sunday, March 30, 2008

3 Months

Moses turned 3 months old last week. The 4th trimester is over and according to Dr. Harvey Karp, Moses is "readier" for the big bad world...and he is defintiely the "happiest baby on the block." This little guy is just about the best. He wakes with smiles and has developed a solid giggle. He's easy to be around 98% of the time and is full of love. He still responds best to big sister Ella entering a room. And she enters with hugs and kisses and snuggles just for her little brother. Sibling love is in full effect!

This week Moses found his feet but we're not yet sure that he understands that they're connected to his legs, which are connected to his body. And he hasn't gotten them into his mouth yet. That's coming. He's full of drool as if he's getting teeth but we're pretty sure he's not. It's just the big adorable bottom lip. He wakes up once over night and once early in the morning and that seems to be it for now. And he goes right back to sleep!
It feels like he's been around forever and like he's going to be a baby for less time than Ella ever was. Thinking back to when Ella was a baby we kind of wish it was the other way around. We love this growing personality.

And don't forget...just 9 months to do your Christmas shopping.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Morning Snuggles

Don't Worry

There is an awake adult in the house...taking the picture.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Ella's First Photograph

She pointed and she pressed the button. She captured a CLOSE-UP of her very best friend, Dewey.

Smile Festival


Moses is exactly one week older than his cousin Judah. It appears for a while that older will be the most accurate adjective to use when comparing the two. Judah is clearly bigger. A lot bigger given the 7 day difference.
Size differences aside, these guys are already good buddies and will surely grow up happily together. Here they are enjoying a snuggle.
Here their competitive dads work quickly on trying to become the favorite Uncle.